Comparison Photos of Yugo M70 vs M72 Lower Handguards

Folks ask me if the Yugo M70 and M72 use the same handguards – in short, they do not.  The upper gas tube cover is the same across all models of Yugos I have seen but the lower handguard on the M72 is very short and rectangular.  This is especially true when it is next to the long sleek tapered M70 handguard that is also used on the M76 and M77 rifles.  By the way, please ignore the green clay and mess – I was making molds when I took these photos:



The other unique factor is the ferrule.  Yugo ferrules are very hard to find in the US.  With other countries’ ferrules you may find them for sale by a vendor who did a bulk purchase, but that is never the case with the Yugo M70 ferrule.  We actually found a college student with a talent for making dies and an interest in Yugos who makes replica ferrules for the M70, M76, M77, M85 and M92 handguards.  Now here is the rub – the M72 uses a bigger unique ferrule and you will not find them unless someone sells a handguard with the ferrule installed or has pried one off a handguard for some reason.

These photos show the smaller M70 ferrule by the larger M72:



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Check out Len’s Yugo M85 With Our Quick Takedown Pin!

Len’s Yugo M85 is looking pretty sweet!

PAP 85 1 PAP 85 2

Here’s what he has to say about his weapon:

Tungsten gray is the cerkote, Sight is a see all {from tandemkross}, key mod rail ,covers, and flash hider {Midwest Industries}, Sling adapter {RFT}, Inforce light, THE Pin Ronin’s grips, dust cover rail Storm Werkz. AR mag adapter  PAP 85, 5.56 Will let you know how it shoots and how the sight works {at least I can see it}

If you are interested, we have a “how to” blog post outlining how to install it

If you would like to buy one, they are available via our online store

If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.

Very Good AR Lower Assembly Guide Web Pages – Not videos

So in my last blog post, I gave you a number of Youtube videos you can watch to learn how to assemble an AR lower.  In this post, I’ll give you some web pages where you can visit them and read step by step instructions with photos.  This way, you can print you the pages and have them by you for reference if so desired.  As with the videos, check out all of the links and see how the authors do the assembly of their AR lowers.

First off, has an assembly guide you can check out:

Here is one from the Arms Guide:

The Truth About Guns has a guide:

The New Rifleman does as well:


I hope this helps you out!

Very Good AR Lower Receiver Assembly Videos on Youtube

Have you ever wondered how to assemble an AR lower receiver and were curious  what free resources are available?  I spent some time on Youtube and collected  a list of videos that show the viewer how to assemble a lower receiver for an AR-type rifle.  I would recommend watching several as each presenter’s methods has pros and cons plus there are different details and camera angles in some cases.

“Gunsmithing – How to Build an AR-15 Lower Receiver” by MidwayUSA

“EASIEST AR15 lower build diy, step by step” by dutchofsc

“AR-15 Lower Receiver” by bgallaher77

I really liked all of the above and hope you find them useful.

Cool M92 NPAP Pistol with Our Quick Takedown Pin

A customer sent in these cool photos of his M92 with our quick takedown pin so he can remove the dust cover quickly and easily.  He reports he started with a basic Yugo NPAP M92 and then he finish it with cerakote OD green, a Magpul grip, Midwest rail, sling mount RFT,  it’s shown with a Kvar mag model that is no longer made.



m92 2 M92 1

The pin is in out store at:

We have an installation tutorial for the pin at:

If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.

Joseph’s Sweet M77 With Our Bulgy Grip

Joseph’s Zastava M77 looks sweet!  I really like how it turned out!!


If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.

Custom Himalayan Imports Uddha Sword – 24″ Overall with a 16.5″ Blade by Bura

I bought a beat up HI Uddha sword about a year back where the handle was toast.  The cool part was that the blade was made by Bura, who was one of the best kamis in Nepal.  He had to retire due to health problems and his blades are collector’s items now.  At any rate, I decided to replace the trashed handled with black paper micarta, acid etched the blade and made a custom Kydex sheath.  It has a new owner now but thought you might find it interesting.


24″ overall

16.5″ Blade

7.5″ Handle

Weight of the sword alone:  1.86 pounds

Weight of sheath:  1.08 pounds

Total weight:  2.94 pounds


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When Strength and Quality Matter Most