Scot Hoskinson owns RS Regulate and is a meticulous engineer. His products are top notch and one thing I would tell you is to always read the instructions. He puts a lot of effort into documenting what you need to do so find the instructions and follow them.
Trust me – read and follow the instructions to install a RS Regulate handguard. Note the instruction sheet is for the old part number GKR-9Y. Scot revised the part number and it is now the GKR-9DY — same handguard but different part number.Per the instructions in steps 3 and 4, I tapped the end cap into place. Note, you do need to test fit and make sure it will fit. You aren’t beating it into place with a ton of force. Mine went in without any filing needed but I did need to tap it to get it fully seated. You want the end cap to sit in the receiver firmly – not loose.
I don’t have photos of every step Scot lists, but I do want to mention step 5 – the front retainer set screws are backed out towards the receiver with the allen heads facing the rear. Once you have the front retainer in place and screwed to the handguard in step 10, you then tighten down the set screws to make everything nice and tight.
In all of his steps, be sure to follow the torque specifications and use blue loc-tite or your favorite medium strength thread locker. If you don’t, then the screws will risk coming loose and potentially falling out.
You can see the rifle’s handguard retainer is locked in place because the cam lever is rotated backwards. Looking down past the barrel you can see one of the two front retainer set screws waiting to be snugged down.I used a long Bondhaus ball head allen key to reach in and tighten the set screws. Let me spare you some future grief – buy quality sets of allen wrenches that properly engage your fasteners. The cheap import keys are prone to poor fitment and/or rounding over the edges and both will mess up your fasteners.I applied Blue Loc-Tite before I snugged down the set screws. I removed the residue with a shop towel.
To remove it, rotate the locking lever on the rear sight base. Zastava is one of the makers that make that lever really tight. I use a large adjustable wrench’s jaws to hold the lever while I rotate it up. You can also use a hammer with plastic heads to tap the lever up. Once it is rotated, the rear of the tube closer to the receiver can be lifted up and the unit brought back just a tad to clear the front gas block. By the way, the bolt carrier must be removed or the long gas piston will be in the tube and block removal.
I didn’t get a picture of the gas tube with the wood before I removed it so we’ll just pick up here. This is one of our high-temp Yugo/Zastava gas tube covers. The spring clip is from the wood set and pops into the our cover to help provide tension and support. If you don’t have the clip, I would recommend buying one vs. skipping it. Check Apex Gun Parts, Robert RTG, Numrich, Centerfire, etc.The spring clip just presses into the pocket molded foir it in the cover.I like to use a vise to hold the forged end of the gas tube. DO NOT try and clamp the thing circular end or you will crush it. The vise you see has smooth jaws and will not hurt the forging – if your vise has aggressive jaws to hold material, use something to protect the gas tube like jaw covers, pieces of wood, etc. In this photo, the cover is fully rotated into position. You may find it easier to rotate your cover to the left or to the right when it comes to installation or removal. If it will not turn, carefully inspect why and remove a bit of material as needed with a file, Don’t rush – you want a firm fit and for it to look good.What it looks like when done.
RS Regulate makes some great lower handguards for a variety of AKs including for the Yugo/Zastava M70 and M77s. It takes a little bit of effort to install and is very much worth it. You can optionally use your wood gas tube cover or buy one of our polymer units.
Note, I have to buy all of my parts – nothing here was paid for by sponsors, etc. I do make a small amount if you click on an ad and buy something but that is it. You’re getting my real opinion on stuff.
If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.
Years ago, I had a Zastava M77 and regretfully sold it back in 2014. It was one of those situations where I had to sell it to fund other projects but I didn’t even get a chance to shoot it. I also had a custom M76 (the 8mm version) for a while but I did sell that one – mainly because it was a primer popper. That is a known issue because the firing pin hole opened up out of spec due to corrosive ammo use and didn’t adequately support the primer as a result but I digress.
I had resisted buying another one until Zastava decided to release what they called the “Battleworn” model (ZR77308W) and I caved. On one hand, it comes with some really nice retro looking Europen beech wood furniture. What really got me was that it was way cheaper than their other models that had optics and/or polymer furniture at that time.
Why the M77?
So, I had wanted to get back into the Zastava designated marksman’s rifle (DMR) game for a while and was just biding my time. The reason I wanted the M77 was due to all of the quality match 7.62×51 and match .308 match ammo that is out there. In comparison, try finding affordable true match grade 8mm ammo for the M76 or match 7.62x54r for the M91. You can find it once in a while but it’s not cheap and choices are limited here in the US. On the other hand, match 7.62×51 and .308 plentiful and affordable.
So, the main reasons were the ammo and the second was the M77 Battleworn model being very affordable in the Late Summer of 2023. As I am writing this, a quick search on GunBroker shows the Battleworn model selling fro $1369 with one 20-rd magazine up to $1,499 with five 20 round mags plus the various models are a lot closer in price. I paid less last summer but you get the idea. (In 2014 I bought a M77 with a thumbhole polymer stock and polymer handguard set for $600 or 700 from Centerfire Systems but that’s the way pricing goes – any vendor will raise prices to what they think the market will bear to try and maximize profits.)
Taking a Closer Look
It’s well packed in an egg foam box. Note the CSSpecs 25 round magazine on the box cover. Honestly, the wood is really nice. It’s very reminiscent pf the M76 wood with a few minor exceptions – the grip does not have a ferrule, the recoil pad uses allen head screws and the stock bolt is one of their modern commerical shorter ones vs. the long Yugo military 8x1x260mm (about 10.23″ long).Like many aspects of the original designs, the Yugoslavs modfield their scope rails and how they mount The result is more to the rear and is often refered to as “rear-biased” so they need a scope mount vs. an AKM pattern rail.Honestly, the wood is cool. It has almost rough hewn look but better finished if that makes sense. The grip reminds me of one that Matt Shuster of Ironwood Designs came up with many years ago before he passed. I think he called it the “mini fat cap” – if someone remembers, please tell me. He made the M76 Fat cap patterned after the original wierd awkward really fat but oddly short M76 grip but without a ferrule. Then he came up with a far more elegant smaller one and this Zastava design reminds me of it. Folks, Matt helped me get started years ago and was a genius with wood. God rest his soul and take care of his family.It has the mile long 19.7″ cold hammer forged barrel. The silver disc on the gas tube is the three position gas regulator. It has a slant brake on it and 14x1mm left hand threads under it just like any other AK. A M76’s long flash hider is actually part of the front sight assembly but that is not the case with the M77 – you can install whatever you want. Also, note the cleaning rod.Here’s a view of the rifle looking at the operating side. The chromed bolt jumps right out in contrast.The M77 uses a bulged trunnion and the oversized AK receiver needs to accomadte it. These bigger 1.5mm thick receivers are beefy. They both hold the various component assemblies in position and the thicker receiver means more steel to compensate for any metalurgical or hardening shortcomings.Zooming in on just the receiver. Note the notched selector/safety lever and the relatively tall selector stop. In the top right you can see the other side of the operating rod lock.
Opening it up
The locking dust cover was introduced in the M70 Yugo rifles because their doctrine made extensive use of rifle grenades. They didn’t want the cover top pop off so they added a sliding lock that holds the rear recoild spring assembly in place and, thus, the top cover in place. By the way, one of the really nice side benefits is that when you reassemble a rifle with one of these locks, you put the recol spring in front, install the dust cover without fighting the spring, push the button and the recoil rod pops out the back.Looking at the locking assembl, the plunger button the operator pushes is at the bottom of the photo. The slightly elevated portion under the top lip of the trunnion (top in this photo – right side in real life looking down – is what slides out of the way wehn pressed so the recoil spring assembly can come forward for removal. What you don’t see is the hidden compression spring. If you ever need these parts, CNC Warrior make and sells both the whole assembly.Looking down at the classic double hook AK trigger and double wound spring. I’ve had guys ask me why did they double these? The answer is fault tolerance. The second hook is there if the first should fail and the second spring winding is there should one of the two fail. In all of my years working on civilian AKs, I’ve never seen a hook fail but I have seen springs fail although very, very rare and usually from a surplus kit build.Look at those hooks! They are forged and not stamped. The bevels in the front and the back help the bolt carrier pass by.Here’s a better view of the three position gas regulator disc. Note the vent holes in the gas block itself.One oversized bolt assembly. Despite what some may tell you, the PSLs and these M76/M77/M91 families of rifles are oversized AKs. The SVD Dragunovs use very different bolt carrier assemblies.Longer than a normal AK gas pistol and chrome plated to improve corrosion resistance.View from the side. Some of the machining is crude but effective in places.Bolt extended in the carrier.I chuckled when I saw this. There are two numbering systems on some of the parts – crisp machined ones and ones done by hand with an electropencil like you would see on some kits.You an see the numbers of the key parts and they should all match.Interesting – more holes to vent propellant gasses.A better view of the upper and lower handguard assembly,A view of the grip.The buttstock has the distinctive grip area like you would see on the M76 military stocks. I have never had the purpose of that grip area explained to me.It uses a classic Yugo military sized recoil pad. What’s noteworthy is that they have ditched the old slotted screws for allen/head-head screws.
This gives you an overview of the M77 battleworn model right out of the box. Nothing really surprised me and the quality looked good. Sometimes I buy stuff and regret it but not this time.
If you know me, you also know I could not going to leave it alone and the customizations will be in future posts.
Note, I have to buy all of my parts – nothing here was paid for by sponsors, etc. I do make a small amount if you click on an ad and buy something but that is it. You’re getting my real opinion on stuff.
If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.
In early March 2023, I picked up my second RIA 52000 Pro Ultra Match 6″ HC 10mm pistol – more affectionately known as “The Big Rock”, which is exactly what it is. I sold my first Big Rock many years ago because I needed the funds and regretted it once I started making custom 10mm mags for whole family of high-cap 10mm and .40 S&W RIA pistols. I couldn’t buy a new one at the time because Armscor, who owns RIA, only seems to make them periodically. Maybe 2-3 years later after I wished I had it and was looking, 52000s started popping up on my saved searches – Gunbroker alerted me first and I bought one about a week later. [A number of places have them now including GrabAGun – click here]
I should add that as soon as I ordered the pistol, the next thing I did was to order another set of grip panels from Mark Browne. His grips just look and feel great compared to the rather boring but durable G10 composite grip panels that come with the pistols.
Bottom left is the new Big Rock with its factory grip Panels. Above it and to the right is the 51679 with Mark’s wood panels. The lighting doesn’t do the wood justice.Here is a better view of the wood on the 51679 plus you can always go to the blog post about it and see more.
The new panels for the Big Rock arrived
I emailed Mark and told him how much I liked the first set and he said he’d look for one with plenty of grain and contrast. What showed up was awesome.
Fitting them to the Big Rock
While RIA does use modern CNC machines to make the frames, the funnel fitment can vary – I know this based on clients that have fitment issues with the relatively shorter 9mm mags using Dawson Base Plates. Either they do not use a jig or it moves and wheter the funnel sits exactly can very. Why this matters is that you may find the panels go right on or you may need to fit them. DO NOT FORCE THEM! So let’s step through this.
Each OEM grip panel is held in place with two unique Allen head screws. Remove the screws and the panel lifts right off. Note in this photo how very little material is between the grip screws hole and the funnel – that’s tight. The pistols are made in the Philippines and then need to travel across the Pacific. They liberally coat these pistols in preservative oil and this is one example of how much they use. Have a towel or rag handy to wipe this stuff off before you start installing the wood panels. By the way, this is typical of all the RIA 1911 pistols and again highlights why you need to clean them.This side went right on without adjustments being needed. That was an unexpected pleasant surprise. They panels need to seat fully without pressure being needed. If you try to force them in, something will snap.Everything is nice and flat and the screws went in without forcing them. The screws are installed until they are firm – not so tight the wood snaps – they just have to keep the grip panel in position, You do need to use a dab of medium-strength screw threadlocker such as Loc-Tite Blue to keep the screws from backing out.The other side had issues. Teh funnel was riding high here and the panel would not even seat fully. To adjust the wood, take a single cut file and remove a bit of wood from the bottom and try over and over.Fitting is slow work with wood. It is better to be able to take more off than wish you could put it back on. After maybe 5-10 minutes I thought I had the panel good to go but it was still riding too high and the screw could not seat properly. So, more fiiling and testing until it fit completely. Take your time and you will get a nice fit without a gap. This is a great example of time, patience and handwork can generate a far better end result than being in a rush with a sander and taking off too much. The bottom is the new Big Rock.The top is the new Big Rock with it’s 6″ barrel and slide. I really like the gloss finish. It really brings out the contrast in the wood.
Note, I have to buy all of my parts – nothing here was paid for by sponsors, etc. I do make a small amount if you click on an ad and buy something but that is it. You’re getting my real opinion on stuff.
If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.
Folks, Palmetto State Armory (PSA) has an interesting Daily Deal going on right now. They have 1,500 rounds of Swiss P Defense Blackround 9mm NATO ammo. Two reasons you should care: First, this is the NATO load which is slightly hotter than 9mm Luger – SAAMI pressure for 9mm Luger is 35,000 PSI and Nato is 36,500 PSI with approximatly 1,1100 FPS for 115gr 9mm Luger and 1,250+ FPS for the 124gr 9mm NATO — It all means more energy. Second, the maker is Swiss P Defense of Switzerland who is truly a top notch ammo maker. If you are even considering picking up some 9mm ammo that will work good in a pistol, PCC or sub-gun, I’d recommend you check this out.
If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.
2024 edition prologue: I had to revise my list of Uzi videos to reflect one that had been removed from Youtube and two that were added.
As part of my research into the iconic Israeli Uzi, I found these videos that do a very nice job providing background on the political climate driving the need for the Uzi. For fans of the Uzi, these may give you some appreciation for the forces that shaped it.
The second video is a great one from Ian of Forgotten Weapons:
And one more video:
If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.
I want to share a WordPress plugin that made a huge difference for me. I was getting spammed via my contact form many times every day and it was getting very frustrating. I absolutely hate spammers and needed to find a solution that could be installed by a non-technical person.
I started by searching on the new WordPress plugins page for “contact us form” and started reading. I thought I would need to get a new contact form with some kind of security mechanism like CAPTCHA.
They were at 2,861 reviews with five stars (that’s a heck of a feat to pull off all by itself) and 2,646 of them were five stars. The plugin also had over 200,000 installs. A plugin can’t get scores like that unless it actually works.
The following bulleted list is off the WordPress plugin page:
Anti-Spam features
Stops spam comments.
Stops spam registrations.
Stops spam contact emails.
Stops spam orders.
Stops spam bookings.
Stops spam subscriptions.
Stops spam surveys, polls.
Stops spam in widgets.
Stops spam in WooCommerce.
Real-time email validation. Is email real or Not.
Checks and removes the existing spam comments and spam users.
Compatible with mobile users and devices.
Compatible with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU).
Blocking disposable & temporary emails.
No Spam – No Google Penalties. Give your SEO boost.
Mobile friendly Anti Spam & FireWall.
Stops spam in Search Form.
Disable comments.
Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood.
Spam FireWall: Anti-Crawler.
Hide «Website» field for comments.
Block messages by languages, countries, networks and stop words.
Email Address Encoder – protection for email addresses published on your site.
So, I installed the plug-in and in the settings page, told it to automatically get the key. That was pretty much all I had to do and it started working.
Wow… the spam instantly went away and that was a week ago. What a relief. Now, when I get a contact form email, it really is a customer and not a single spam has snuck through since.
I was so relieved I immediately paid for the plugin for both my blog and WooCommerce sites (yes, I run two separate instances). It was my way of saying thank you — all the bogus spam was very frustrating.
If you have a WordPress site, are drowning in spam and want a simple and very effective way to get rid of spam — get CleanTalk.
If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.
It was our last outing with the Scooter that I noticed the ignition switch, if we can call it that, was floating on my mother-in-law’s Pride Mobility GoGo Eliter Traveller Scooter. I was surprised that it happened given how well it had performed up to that point. From what I could tell, the backing nut had slowly vibrated loose until it literally fell off the back of the switch. Everything worked – all the parts were there but I had to put it back together. I figured a blog post would help anyone needing to tighten the switch or even replace it.
To work on the scooter, I removed the chair, its mast and the battery pack. I also removed the forward and reverse control lever that is held in by two screws. In hindsight, I am not sure I needed to do that. By the way, removing the battery compartment also reduces the risk of sparks/shorts by disconnecting the power from the system.
To get inside the center console, you need to remove four screws – the two closest to the operator and the two furthest forward. The ones in the middle hold the lower half to the handlebar and do not need to come out.
One small detail, I had to push the top cover slightly towards the back towards the seat to get it to lift off once the screws were gone. Reinstalling the top recover also meant I had to slide it forward slightly before reinstalling the screws.
It dawned on me after starting that I had better take some pictures. The operator is to the left and the forward is to the right in this photo. You can see the four empty screw holes that need to come off. On the top cover you can see the loose locking nut.Another view of the switch and loose nut.If you were replacing the ignition switch, you’d unplug the two wires, loosen the nut and push the ignition switch assembly out through the top and insert a new one. That is Loc-tite blue medium strength thread locker. I put that on the switch with the body out so the nut will not rattle loose again.The nut is down snug. I thought a photo might help if someone needs to know what wires go to what terminal numbers. There are only two wires but three terminals on this model.
From there, I slid the top back on and reinstalled the screws and put the rest of the stuff back on.
Works great now.
Bought Spare Keys Too
One last note, mama only had one key for the scooter. Turns out they are generic and not keyed to a specific scooter. I bought a spare pair off Amazon that works great. This way she can have a key and I can have one on a trip.
Her key switch is good to go and no we have some spare keys too. I hope this helps you out.
Note, I have to buy all of my parts – nothing here was paid for by sponsors, etc. I do make a small amount if you click on an ad and buy something but that is it. You’re getting my real opinion on stuff.
If you find this post useful, please share the link on Facebook, with your friends, etc. Your support is much appreciated and if you have any feedback, please email me at in**@ro*********.com. Please note that for links to other websites, I may be paid via an affiliate program such as Avantlink, Impact, Amazon and eBay.
Back in 2022, we bought a used Pride Mobility GoGo Elite Traveller scooter for my mother-in-law. I wrote a blog post about replacing the battery charger and the original batteries were still good though I knew that if the scooter was made in 2019, they probably only had a year or two left. Guess what? They quit charging in the Fall of 2023, pretty right on schedule. Living in Michigan, my mother-in-law wouldn’t be using it in the Winter as she doesn’t go out much so we decided to wait until the Spring of 2024 to deal with it. Well, that gives me two things to tell you about in this post.
First – Dead batteries freeze and I made an avoidable mess
Ok, the decision to put the battery replacement off made sense monetarily. Why spend the money just to have it sit. Well, we store her scooter in her attached but unheated garage, we had plenty of days well below freezing – some even in the single digits – and her batteries froze and busted their cases.
In the back of my head I knew dead batteries pretty much froze just like water at 32 degrees Farenheit but it never crossed my mind as part of the decisionmaking. If we had taken the battery compartment indoors, it would not have been an issue.
For giggles, I looked it up. Fully charged batteries with fresh electrolyte will not feeze until around -40F and websites give a ton of different answers on that with two saying that number is -76F. I saw mention that If the charge is around 40% the freezing level rises to around -16F but another website said -20F at 80% so go figure. Where they all agree is that if the battery is dead, meaning 0% charged, then it is the same as water at 32F. Why? The electrolyte is 25% sulferic acid and 75% water and the charge is what lowers the freezing point.
How did I find out? Well, we needed mama’s scooter for an upcoming trip so I lifted the housing off the scooter and brought it home. By the way, if you have never removed your battery pack below the seat on the floorboard – lift straight up firmly. There is a very strong velcro-like material on the bottom that does its job and doesn’t want to let go but will if you lift straight up. Technically, what they are using is Dual Lock or a clone of it that is stronger than traditional Velcro hook-and-loop fasteners.
I brought the compartment home, flipped it over on my bench to remove the 8 screws and what looked like water dripped on bench. Also, electrolyte has a unique smell so I knew I was in for a mess and moved it all onto the concrete floor so I could take it apart.
Safety note: You are working with a solution that has a relatively small amount of sulferic acid in it (3 parts water + 1 part acid). Wear nitrile gloves, protective eye wear and have good ventilation. I’ve found some people are very sensitive and others are not. I’m lucky and it doesn’t really bother me but I’ve worked with people that would get chemical burns real easy. So, if this is your first time and you have no idea, play it safe.
The batteries were stuck in the compartment. I suspected they used something to secure the batteries because they did NOT want to come loose. I thought they had really gone wild with Dual Lock fastener strips so I pulled hard with my fingers – nothing. I tried lifting with a little pry bar and didn’t get anywhere. Finally, I F-bombed it, got some Vise Grip pliers, got a real good hold of a terminal and lifted with all the strength I could muster — then I heard the tearing sound of velcro, saw the battery starting to rise up and kept pulling until the battery lifted out. Did not expect that!
Yes, there was a regular hook-and-loop type velcro on the end of each battery and the bottom of the compartment. What had happened was the adhesive they put on the strips on the bottom of the case and slowly oozed around and glued the batteries down as well. Sheesh. I was just glad the plastic of the compartment did not snap.
This is what the inside of the battery compartment looks like. The shiny black stuff around the velcro is the adhesive that oozed out and “glued” the batteries in place.Both sealed batteries had their cases deform and crack open when their electrolyte froze.
With the batteries removed, I poured some water with baking soda in it to neutralize the acid in the velcro, the ends of the wires that were floppng around and the compartment. I did not dunk everything because there is a circuit breaker that I did not want to get water in.
I’m amazed at how this photo I snapped in a rush turned out. The bubbles are the chemical reaction bretween acid residue and the baking soda and water solution. Stir the baking soda and water around to make sure there is plenty of it to neutralize the acid. When all of the acid has been neutralized, the bubbles will stop and you can rinse it off.
I then carefully rinsed out the water, dried it with a towel and put it front a fan overnight to completely dry out. I did this to the top and bottom of the compartment and the screws that hold the compartment together.
When everything was dry, I applied Silicode spray and wiped it off.
It looked great once we cleaned it up. Note, getting rid of acid residue is something you always want to do. Otherwise, vapors can cause parts to oxidize.
Moral of the story – take the battery compartment in for the winter and avoid the risk of it freezing. I blew an hour cleaning up an avoidable mess.
Second – Actually replacing the batteries is pretty easy!
Okay, actually replacing the batteries is straight forward – although you may have to fight the velcro’s adhesive like I did. I could not find Interceptor brank 6-DZM-12HG batteries and different firms claimed compatibility but had different sizes so I decided to confirm the details by looking at the now-very dead originals.
The scooter uses two identical batteries. This one froze and that’s why the case and label look so bad.
Volts: 12
Capacity: 14 AH
Size: 3.9 x 3.9 x 5.9 using my calipers. Including the F-type tabs, the total height was about 4 inches
By the way, the dimensions are really important because Pride Mobility sold both standard and extended range battery systems. The latter has batteries far bigger than what will fit in the standard model’s case.
With the above, I was ready to dig on Amazon for batteries. Lots of sellers claimed their batteries were compatibile with the GoGo Elite Traveller but some only had 12AH of capacity which means those batteries would not last as long / go as far.
I also pay attention to reviews and want more than 30 reviews – the newer the better – to get an idea. Actually read the reviews. Some sellers will change the product for sale so you see reviews for one product but they are selling another.
One listing really jumped out at me – Mighty Max 12V 15AH batteries with 330 reviews and a 4.6 star rating so I took a closer look. The reported 15AH capacity puts them slightly ahead of the original 14AH batteries. The reported size was 5.94×3.86×3.86 – which would work with mine – the 5th photo in the listing shows specifications including the dimensions. That’s what I went with – Mighty Max model ML15-12. They arrived a few days later direct from the seller and seemed to be everything they said they would be.
I wrote the date on the batteries with a paint pen and applied industrial velcro to the end of each battery and let them sit overnight for the adhesive to bond. I really didn’t want to deal with the batteries sticking again so I sprayed the bottom of the battery and the bottom of the compartments with mold release compound (which I have handy due to my casting business). You could get the same effect by buffing the bottom of the battery with light shoe/boot wax.
I put two strips of industrial velcro on each battery and then set them on the table with the weight of each battery pushing the velcro’s adhesive into place. In general, self-adhesive velcro needs to sit at least overnight to get a good bond otherwise it will pull right off. Also, clean the bottom of the battery with alcohol to make sure it is clean and doesn’t have any release agent left on it from when they were made.
I didn’t bother bringing mama’s 24 volt charger home and instead just topped off each 12 volt battery before I installed them. It took my Noco 12 volt 5 amp charger maybe 3-5 minutes to top off each.
Wiring is easy red goes to postive and black goes to the negative. Then you put on the cover and reinstall the screws.
Wires are re-attached – note the color coding. Red to red and black to black. If I ever need to know, I can see the day I installed them also thanks to the orange paint pen.I use a Dewalt cordless screwdriver a great deal due to my having Carpal Tunnel problems. The regular length Philips bit and extended length are Dewalt also. I’ve used a ton of cheap import bits and find that they wear out too fast with the Philips bit edges rounding over and not getting a good bite. You can definitely use your favoite Philips screw driver as well of course.Installed and ready to go.
The batteries worked great. I weigh probably about 240 pounds with my jacket and I drove mama’s scooter about a half mile with no drop in the charge indicator and that was good enough for me. I am sure I weigh twice what she does,
The scooter was almost ready for our trip other than fixing a loose ignition switch which I will cover in another post.
I still think the Pride Mobility GoGo Elite Traveller scooter is very well made. Mama enjoys getting her freedom back and will sometimes joke and head off ahead of us during a walk.
Two big takeaways I want you to have from this blog – Don’t forget batteries can freeze . Second – you can definitely change the batteries yourself. You do not need to buy a whole new cabinet and battery assembly unless you really want to.
I hope this helps.
Note, I have to buy all of my parts – nothing here was paid for by sponsors, etc. I do make a small amount if you click on an ad and buy something but that is it. You’re getting my real opinion on stuff.
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