I think James’ M92 SBR looks pretty wicked!! That’s our handguard set on the front. It looks great James!
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Mark’s SBR sure looks great! He used the original wood furniture and one of our Yugo M70/M92 grips with a black blasted finish.
Here is a link to our grip’s order page – click here to open it in a new tab.
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Aaron built this SBR by starting with a Zastava M92 PAP pistol kit and then took it from there. The results are very clean!
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Jason sent me this photo of his Zastava M92 PAP pistol with our handguards – it looks great Jason!!
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A few folks have asked how to remove the factory installed thread protector from their M92 PAP pistols. Zastava does actually thread the pistols and it’s a 26mm diameter x 1.5mm pitch left hand thread (M27x1.5LH is the short cut way to write it) under that cover. These things were installed for importation, ruin the look of the pistol and, fortunately, are very easy to remove if you take your time.
Now I used a Dremel with a cut off wheel. You could just as easily use a hand file. For me, I used the thread cover to protect the threads and did not worry if it got scratched. Cut a little and try to turn the thread cover. It will turn clockwise to be removed once the weld is broken. Note, if you decide to use a Dremel and are new to them, practice with your cut off wheel on some scrap metal before doing your pistol. They can hop around unless you know how to hold and maneuver them.
I prefer cordless Dremels with removable batteries so I can swap them at any time but any rotary tool will work. You’ll need at least an abrasive cutting disc to cut through the small spot weld.I couldn’t take the photo and cut but you go slow with the cutting disc and only remove enough weld for the thread protector to freely turn.Not a very clear photo but you can see the remaining weld on the thread protector.Here’s the remaining weld on the front block. Note, don’t toss your thread protector as you can use it to safeguard your threads as you grind down the remaining weld.
Next, I put the thread protector back on and used a stone wheel in the Dremel to clean up the remains of the weld on the gas block. Again, if you are new, practice first. The stone wheel may look simple but they can make a mess real fast if you lose control. I’ve been using Dremels since 1985 – trust me when I say you should practice first. Also, I like Dremels and have used them for years. They have tons of corded and cordless models plus there are other rotary tools on the market if you expect to have very limited use and want to save money.
I used a small stone and light pressure to remove the rest of the weld. Putting the thread protector back on will keep you from damaging the threads. Grinding wheels like to hop around if you aren’t very careful.While the steel is shiny and clean, use your favorite cold blue to stain the steel. I like Brownell’s Oxpho-Blue liquid.Burnish it with steel wool, repeat and apply oil.Done. By the way, you can get the M92 muzzle break detent assembly from CNC Warrior – they actually make them.Here it is again with better lighting,
I hope this helps you out!
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A customer sent in these cool photos of his M92 with our quick takedown pin so he can remove the dust cover quickly and easily. He reports he started with a basic Yugo NPAP M92 and then he finish it with cerakote OD green, a Magpul grip, Midwest rail, sling mount RFT, it’s shown with a Kvar mag model that is no longer made.
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