I’d bought an Aero M5 lower receiver on sale a while back and decided to build it. Over the years, I’ve assembled a couple of M4s and one M5 where I bought an assembled lower and upper but this was my first actual build. I’ve always found the quality of the Aero parts to be good and they definitely made some unique tweaks to their M5 vs. their M4.
Rather than “yet another post about how to build an AR”, I decided to comment on the differences I noticed about the M5 lower. In general, the AR10-series of weapons aren’t standardized and you have no guarantee that parts from different vendors can interchange so you need to do some research and plan your build.
It is a DPMS Gen 2 pattern lower with Aero’s own spin on it. With that said, even though it is patterned after the DPMS, verify any other brand parts before you try to use them. I can tell you that AR grips and stocks work plus triggers.
I opted for a 16″ Aero upper, bolt, charging handle, recoil spring, buffer and lower parts kit. However, I had a Trigger Tech Duty trigger pack I wanted to try out plus I wanted to use a Magpul grip and UBR stock. The UBR has been on my radar for years but hadn’t tried one before now.
A Closer Look At The Aero M5 Receiver
It is a forged receiver using 7075-T6 aluminum and that is just fine. Now, arguing forged vs. billet will start all kinds of arguments about which is stronger, lasts longer, can solve world peace, etc.
Ignore the marketing and people weighing in on forums who have no idea. From a purely practical perspective, buy a receiver that you like the looks of from a reputable firm and have read reviews about. Honestly, forget about forged vs. billet. End of story.
There are plenty of other things to worry about rather than theory vs. practical reality. A receiver is just part of the puzzle that includes the other parts of the firearm, the ammo, the optics, you (the shooter), the environment, the situation, and far, far more.
First off, kudos to Aero for another fine set of parts. I found the small differences with the Aero M5 interesting. Aero Precision turns out quality – I’ve owned various ARs and even have a .308 Solus bolt rifle from them right now. I have no hesitation recommending their products.
I hope this helps you out.
Note, I have to buy all of my parts – nothing here was paid for by sponsors, etc. I do make a small amount if you click on an ad and buy something but that is it. You’re getting my real opinion on stuff.
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