Russia began evolving the weapons and gear their infantry were using in 2013 as part of an ongoing program known as “Ratnik” that translates as “warrior”. Gone are the days of throwing poorly trained and equipped soldiers into battle. What they are developing rivals any modern first world military force.

In researching about Ratnik for a blog post I just did, I was surprised at how much gear has already found its way onto eBay. It goes to show how efficient the surplus market is I suppose plus that the program has been in effect for nearly six years at this point.
What can you find on eBay? In digging, I have found:
- 6B38 MPL-50 Shovel
- 6B38 60L RAID Backpack
- 6B50 Ballistic Goggles
- 6B51 Knee and Elbow Pads
- 6E1 Water Filter and Pouch
- 6E4-1 Watches
- 6E4-2 Watches
- 6E6 Multi tool
- 6SH117 Tactical Vest
- 6M2 Active Hearing Headphones
- FSS-014 Flashlight
- GSSH-01 Active Headphones
There are also a lot of hats, coats, uniforms, gloves and more. So, if you are wondering where you can find the modern Russian Ratnik gear, you definitely need to check out eBay and I created a live link to eBay where you can see posts that you can order:
Live eBay Feed You Can Order From
You can click here to open a new tab with eBay search results. The following examples are live posts on eBay. If you click on a listing, it will appear with more details and there will be links to others as well:
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Photo source: By Vitaly V. Kuzmin –, CC BY-SA 4.0,