Folks, Palmetto State Armory has a deal going on where you can get one the excellent SIG P365 pistols in what they call a “Tac Pac”. Normally the Tac Pac just has a couple of mags but this deal includes three real SIG 12-round mags that often go for $35-45 each and a combination Inside the waist band (IWB) or outside the waist band (OWB) holster.

The Sig P365 is rated for +P 9mm ammo and is my every day carry. I can tell you that I have never had a failure to feed or extract with the pistol and have fired Hornady Critical Duty +P, Federal HST +P, all kinds of 115gr and 124gr FMJ ball ammo, etc. It just east whatever I give it and is reliable – that’s why I rely on it to protect my family when we are out and about and discretion is required – it’s an ideal concealed carry pistol.
I really like the 12-round magazines. The small plastic fitting on the bottom is ideal for my to put my pinky finger on and I wear size XL gloves. The 10 round magazines are even shorter. Most of the time I am carrying using a 12 round magazine. They do make a 15 round magazine but that sticks out a tad more than I care for.
Note, go for real SIG magazines. Some of the aftermarket ones, such as Promags, don’t get as good of reviews.
I can’t speak first hand to the holster they are including though – I use a soft Desantis 106 IWB holster and a High Noon shoulder rig. Given the holster is from SIG, I would expect it to be good enough to get started with.
At any rate, it’s a very good deal so click here to learn more.
Note, I have to buy all of my parts – nothing here was paid for by sponsors, etc. I do make a small amount if you click on an ad and buy something but that is it. You’re getting my real opinion on stuff.
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The following are various listings for SIG P365 pistols and accessories so you can scroll through and look at prices.